The South Australian Mixed Doubles Championship is to be held on Sunday 24th Sept, 2017, hosted by Club de Pétanque dÁdelaide.
Entry fee $10 per player.
Payment accepted on the day from 9.00am. Games start at 9.30am.
Enter by sending your team details to Anthony, by email or SMS 0468 431 963, by Wednesday 20/9/2017.
This Tournament is open to PFA Licence holders only.
Bar Licence applies (No BYO please). Lunch will be available.
The playing format will remain flexible until final entry numbers are known.
There will be a consolante for those who do not qualify for the finals.
If unable to attend after registering please contact Tournament Director Anthony Pietsch ASAP or phone 0468 431 963 so appropriate alterations to the draw can be made.