The PFA Board seeks expression of interest for the following International and National events.
A League or a club can apply for event
- Trans Tasman 2017 to be played in Australia Date March to May
- PFA Petanque Carnival (Easter) Date 14 to 18 April 2017
This event will be held over 4 to 5 days at one venue and PFA would run
PFA would consider holding event at same venue for 3 years.
PFA State Super 4 competition for 2017 – Dates 2 – 3 September 2017
Expression of interest to be sent to Terry Dando –
PFA Secretary at tdando@vtown.com.au by 15 July 2016
Criteria for hosting are at http://www.petanquefederationaustralia.com/#!eoi-to-host/c1x69